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Création de votre site internet project : a showcase site for a nursing practice

Presentation of the client

Infi-Bayt is a home nursing centre. Located in Brussels, this company provides you with a team of fifteen caregivers to provide you with quality care.

Services provided

  • Installation of the WordPress CMS
  • Creation of a unique web design
  • Creation of a graphic charter
  • Creation of 6 main pages and 2 subpages
  • Image integration + retouching
  • Writing optimised titles and texts
  • Responsive design (adaptation of the site for smartphones and tablets)
  • SEO work to improve natural referencing
Création de votre site internet

De Logobeek project : showcase site for a speech therapist

Presentation of the client

Logopedist for several years, Katja opens her own practice in Tollembeek, Flemish Brabant, in early 2023. She therefore needed a logo that represents her activity as well as a professional website to showcase her services.

Services provided

  • Creation of a unique logo
  • Help for the choice of the domain name and the hosting
  • Creation of a professional email address
  • Installation of the WordPress CMS
  • Creation of the webdesign, 5 main pages + 1 secondary
  • Creation of a graphic charter
  • Creation of unique images to create a visual identity
  • Integration of images from royalty-free image banks
  • Integration of editorial content
  • Work on the Responsive Design
  • SEO work to improve natural referencing